Today we began with practice again in the morning. After lunch and a shower we got on our 6 buses and went to two pep rallys before the game. The first performance was at the UW Badger Blast. Here you can see us playing "Space Badger". The UW Cheerleaders throw one of the female cheerleaders up in the air at several times during that song.

The cheerleaders flip around while they're up in the air and it looks pretty cool.

Next we marched in parade formation to the second pep rally which was right by the stadium.

After the pep rally we went into the stadium and did our Pregame performance. Here the band is entering the field during our traditional "run-on".

The next time I was able to take a picture was the very end of Pregame when we played a short part of the "1812 Overture" which our director, Mike Leckrone arranged for the band.
After we performed, the Florida State Marching Band did their Pregame show.

Their band includes many baton twirlers and flags.
Here is the UW Marching Band at the end of our halftime show, which was called "Ladies Who Rock." The show featured the music of women songwriters and performers of the past several decades.
After we performed, the FSU Band played their halftime show.
Here is a picture of Mr. Stone and me next to one of the Champs Bowl signs.

After the game, the UW Band lined up for our traditional 5th-Quarter performance.

Whether we win or lose, we always have fun during the 5th-Quarter.

Many of the UW fans stayed for the 5th-Quarter, and the die-hard fans stayed until we were done playing.

When we were done, the band lined up one last time and marched out of the stadium.
After the game we showered at the hotel and went to the airport. We left 70-degree weather and arrived home very early in the morning to a driving snowstorm. I eventually got home by 5:00 am. I was tired, but I had a lot of fun.
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