Monday, August 11, 2008

Registration at Glacial Drumlin School

Today students registered at GDS and got to see the school for the first time. There were tables set up in the cafeteria with lots of information about the new school year. Students had their photos taken in the gym. (The gym floor is really cool. It's a tiny bit bouncy. Try it out!)

In case you didn't get a chance to look in the band room, here's a photo of the room taken from the back of the room.

The room looks pretty empty because we still don't have all the equipment in the room...yet. We will be getting lots more chairs and stands, as well 2 tubas, 2 baritones, and an entirely new percussion section! The percussion instruments have started arriving, but haven't been unpacked and assembled yet.
Of course we also still have a lot of boxes to unpack as well, but some of the furniture hasn't arrived, so we haven't had a chance to get organized. Hey, we still have 20 days until school starts!

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