This photo shows the band room from the back corner looking towards the music office where Mr. K is standing. The three doors at the front of the room lead to small-group instruction rooms where we will teach GIGs and where students can practice.

This view is from the corner where the door leads to the outside looking back at the band office and the doorway to the hallway.

This shot is from the front of the room looking back towards the doorway that leads to the hallway.

This is the middle small-group instruction room where we will teach GIGs next year.

And this is the second large small-group instruction room where will will also teach GIGs.

If you look closely, you''ll see that the band room and both practice rooms have WINDOWS! I am really excited because it will be the first time in 15 years that I will get to teach in a room with windows!
This next picture shows part of the cafeteria. There will be a stage that has a space that can be opened between the cafeteria and the gym so that the stage can be used from either direction.

Mr. Dorn, Mrs. Stone and Mr. Kasparek in the new band room for the first time.